


Plain Steel Strings


When placing your order, you will also need to fill out the specification form at the bottom of this page
with the following information :


1) The scale length of your guitar
2) The tail piece and bridge set up: Does the guitar load the strings in from the back
    or does it have a top loading bridge?
3) The distance from the nut to the tuner you will use for the A4 or B4 string
4) Does the headstock have a string tree?
Our Policy
We are a custom string shop.
Nothing we make is prepackaged, just waiting to be drop-shipped.
When you click on You are ordering custom made strings.
If you fail to submit the design specifications for the custom strings you have ordered
(forms located at bottom of each order page) within 48 hours from the time you
submit payment, you will be issued a credit which is good for 30 days and is not
refundable. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and at anytime.

Strings also available without ball ends for Floyd Rose System. Specify when ordering.
Please be sure about your order - NO REFUNDS

We make everything to order

Please allow  1 - 10 weeks  depending on what you order and the amount
of orders placed ahead of yours at the time you order.



   A440 Hz .0059 Guitar plain steel string    Price $8.00        

               25.5" to 27" Scale Length


We tested this string on the Oakland Axe Factory 10-string (fanned fretboard 30"-27") guitar with Sperzel locking tuners. When tuned to A440Hz it can bend up past the E4, B3 and to the G3 string. It can bend pitch about 1 whole step. This guitar was designed with tuning to high A4 in mind. If you order this string, you will need to read and follow the enclosed instructions carefully.

 Do not order the .0059 string without contacting us first !  



  A440 Hz .0062 Guitar plain steel string    



 Do not order the .0062 string without contacting us first !


          A440 Hz .007 Guitar plain steel string  

            minimum order 2 strings

                  24.75" to 28" Scale Length 




    A440 Hz .008 Guitar plain steel string          

              24.75" to 28" Scale Length



    A440 Hz .009 Guitar plain steel string               

            24.75" to 28" Scale Length


Type 2 option  (Protective thread wrap)

Download PDF

If you have a Type 2 guitar that loads the string through the back, has a steep break angle, a sharp edge on the nut or tuner, or a string tree, you'll want this



Type 2 Wrap

Only Thread Wrap

Strings NOT Included!


TonalUnity-companion strings with the
 same timbre as the A440 strings.

Strings for E4 329.63 Hz ,  B3 246.94 Hz  and  G3 196.00 Hz

Highest recommended pitch@26” is G4


 Guitar  .009 plain steel     $3.50 each  






 Guitar  .010 plain steel     $3.50 each  






 Guitar  .011 plain steel     $3.50 each  






 Guitar  .012  plain steel     $3.50 each  






 Guitar  .013 plain steel      $3.50 each  






 Guitar  .014 plain steel      $3.50 each  






 Guitar  .015 plain steel      $3.50 each  






Guitar  .016 plain steel      $2.30 each  





Guitar  .017 plain steel     $3.50 each  





Guitar  .018 plain steel      $3.50 each 





Guitar  .019 plain steel      $3.50 each 





Guitar .020  plain steel      $3.50 each




Guitar .022  plain steel      $3.50 each




Guitar .024  plain steel      $3.50 each


Custom Dual Ball End Strings
 These guitar strings have a smaller sized ball end on each side of the string.
Single plain steel dual ball end string Tonal Unity for E4,B3,G3  .019-.008         $8.00



Single wound dual ball end string .015-.098                                                       $12.00



Plain Steel String With Bass Ends
All Octave4Plus™ plain steel bass strings
 are made with superb premium wire and
 the patented Octave4Plus™ Ball ends. 

We make everything to order

Please be sure about your order - NO REFUNDS

Please allow  1 - 10 weeks  depending on what you order and the amount of orders
placed ahead of yours at the time you order.




Bass  .0067  plain steel  string  $10.95 each  
  Recommended for the 35" - 37" scale with F#4 (369.99Hz)
as the highest practical open tuning before breaking.




Bass  .007  plain steel  string  $10.95 each 
  Recommended for the 34" - 35" scale with F#4 (369.99Hz)
as the highest practical open tuning before breaking.


Bass  .008  plain steel  string  $10.95 each 
  Recommended for the 34" - 35" scale with E4 (329.63Hz)
as the highest practical open tuning before breaking.



Bass  .009  plain steel  string  $9.95 each 
Suggested highest pitch B3 @ 34"



Bass  .010  plain steel  string  $9.95 each 
Suggested highest pitch B3 @34"

Bass  .011  plain steel  string  $9.95 each 
Suggested highest pitch B3 @34"



Bass  .012  plain steel  string  $10.95 each 
Suggested highest pitch B3 @34"


Bass  .013  plain steel  string  $9.50 each 
Suggested highest pitch B3 @34"


Bass  .014  plain steel  string  $9.50 each
Suggested highest pitch B3 @34"


Bass  .015  plain steel  string  $9.50 each 
Suggested highest pitch B3 @34"


Bass  .016  plain steel  string  $8.95 each 
Suggested highest pitch A3 @34"


Bass  .017  plain steel  string  $8.95 each
Suggested highest pitch A3@34”



Bass  .018  plain steel  string  $8.95 each
Suggested highest pitch A3@34”


Bass  .019  plain steel  string  $8.95 each
Suggested highest pitch A3@34”

Bass .020 plain steel string
$10.50 each

Bass .022 plain steel string
$10.50 each

Bass .024 plain steel string
$10.50 each

Bass .027 plain steel string
$14.00 each




When ordering, include the scale length of your guitar and indicate if it has a back-loading bridge
with a string tree on the headstock or if it has a top loading bridge.

Even if you have given us your custom string specifications in an email, the strings will not be made unless all of the order specifications are on this form. This includes custom gauges and the intended tuning of the string or string set.

Octave4Plus was designed for professional level musicians and luthiers who know exactly what it is they need. 
We are here to answer all of your questions before you order.
Once you pay for your order, you must fill out the string design form found at the bottom of the page you ordered from. 

O4P Custom String Design Specification Form

You are ordering custom made strings. You must complete this form and submit it with your order

PayPal transaction number:                 (required)




Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)  

  1.) I learned about Octave4Plus custom strings from:



  2) I ordered: (qty.) of this string/set:

  3) I want custom gauges for this set:

  4) The string or string set is going to be for a Guitar     Bass Guitar 

   Other: ( Use additional comments box at the bottom of this form)

  5) The tuning is:
   ( B0  is standard bass low B,  B1 for guitar low B,  E1 is bass low E,   E2 is guitar low E,   E4 is guitar high E etc.)

  5a) New tuning for you ? Yes No

  6) Manufacturer:

  7) Model:
   ( Email us a photo of your instrument's  headstock and bridge, no links to web pages please)

  8)  Bridge Type (Select one type below)

    a) Strings enter through the back and exit out the face of guitar
    b) Strings go through top loading bridge like Tune-O-Matic
    c) Strings just pop in a slot like a HipShot type "A" bridge
    d) Strings held by pins as on an acoustic guitar

   9) Instrument has  strings

   10) It's scale length is: (measure from bridge saddle to nut)

   11) The tuning peg configuration is: Top    Bottom ( example 3/3,  5/2 etc. )

    Inline: Yes:   No:

   12) The instrument has:  Guitar    Bass   Other
     Tuners/Tuning pegs with: Slots   or Holes

   12a) I need exposed core on guitar bass strings at the tuners: Yes:   No:

   13) Use: Guitar sized ball ends   Bass sized ball ends   Other to make these strings.

    14) The tuning peg for the lowest string is located  inches/cm from the headstock side of the nut.

   14a)  The tuning peg for the highest string (A4 etc.) is located inches/cm from headstock side of the nut.

   14b) What is the distance from the nut (the nut's edge on the headstock side) to each tuner?
                         (Example 2.5" A string, 4" D string etc.)  
   15) What is the measurement from the ball end's edge ( edge facing the pickups) , when the string is on the guitar to    
the edge of each tuner ?
                     (Example:  A string 33.5",  D string 35",  etc.) 
   16a) What is the measurement from the ball end's edge ( edge facing the pickups) when the string is on the guitar to the fretboard side edge of the nut  
   16b) What is the total length of each string from ball end's edge to the absolute end of string ?  

   17) The nut is: inches/cm thick and is made out of 

   18) The strings sit on the saddles about inches /cm from ball end edge.

   18a) The specific measurements from each string's saddle to ball end edge:
                        ( Example: E is 1 1/2",  A is 1 3/4" etc.)   

    18b) Wound string should taper for inches/cm from the ball end edge to where the full diameter of the string begins ( guitar standard usually 1", bass 2")

    18c) The string is full wrap, no taper at the bridge:  Yes:   No:

    19) Is there a string tree on the headstockYes:   No:

   20) Does the headstock tilt back ?   Yes:   No:
   21) Flexibility of the strings I ordered should be: (stiff, can be pulled 1/8", or 1/4", etc to either side when turned to pitch, loose etc.)


   22) Thread wrap?   Yes:   No:   Color ?:                    

         Wrap starts at                       inches/cm from nut.

   23) The timbre/tone quality of the wound strings should be:
          Bright:     Have a "Twang"    Mellow
   24) The wound strings are:
         A) Stainless Steel Roundwounds
         B) Nickel Plated Steel Roundwounds
         C) Phosphor/Bronze Roundwounds
         D) Stainless Steel Flatwounds

  (Thread wrap is extra for guitar strings)

  Note: Make sure the gauge(s) of the string(s) you order can fit through all holes in the back of the guitar, bridge, and tuners etc..

  Additional Comments and information in box below: